Are you curious about divorce but don’t know where to start? Or are you and your spouse already in a transitional period but don’t know what to do next?

Then join us for Divorce Camp 101. During this virtual and confidential one-hour Divorce Camp you’ll learn from family and collaborative law attorney, Beth Serrill, about the divorce process. She’ll provide an overview of the divorce laws in Minnesota and the steps in the process. She’ll share what would be helpful to have prepared when meeting your attorney for the first time, discuss topics such as child custody, parenting time, and spousal support. She’ll also touch on what happens if you and your spouse own a business together and how long the process might take. Lastly, she’ll educate you about the collaborative law process, give examples of when it’s possible to use the collaborative law process, the benefit of doing so and what it looks like as compared to the traditional divorce process.

Attendance will be confidential.

Register here